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  • Collection = San Francisco Historical Photograph Collection
  • Date Issued = 1931 May 13
[Paris Bound Mayors]
New York...Mayors of United States cities in a meeting at the Ritz Carlton Hotel before sailing to attend the International Exposition in Paris. (L. to R.) Standing--Hon. E. Kirk McKinney of...
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New York...Mayors of United States cities in a meeting at the Ritz Carlton Hotel before sailing to attend the International Exposition in Paris. (L. to R.) Standing--Hon. E. Kirk McKinney of Indianapolis; Mayor Richard L. Metcalfe of Omaha; Mayor George L. Baker of Portland; Mayor Victor J. Miller of St. Louis; Mayor Daniel W. Hoan of Milwaukee and Mayor R. B. Marvin of Syracuse. (L. to R. Seated) Mayor Thomason of El Paso, Mayor Gray of Pasco, Hon. Sylvester Andriano of San Francisco and Mayor Key of Atlanta..
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[Mayors on Way to Paris Exposition]
New York...The group of mayors and their wives at a meeting at the Ritz Carlton Hotel before sailing to the international exposition in Paris. Standing left to right are: Mayor Richard L. Metcalfe...
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New York...The group of mayors and their wives at a meeting at the Ritz Carlton Hotel before sailing to the international exposition in Paris. Standing left to right are: Mayor Richard L. Metcalfe of Omaha, Mayor R.E. Thomason of El Paso; Mayor Victor J. Miller of St. Louis; Hon. E. Kirck McKinney of Indianapolis; Mayor George L. Baker of Portland; Mayor A.P. Gray of Pasco; Mayor R. B. Marvin of Syracuse; Hon. Sylvester Andriano of San Francisco; Mayor Daniel W. Koan of Milwaukee and Mayor James L. Key of Atlanta. Seated are Mrs. Metcalfe, Mrs. Thomason, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. McKinney, Mrs. Gray, Mrs. Andriano, Mrs. Hoan and Miss Ruth Key, daughter of the mayor of Atlanta..
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